Open & Affirming

FCCE has a long history of being a welcoming community for all people. We are officially an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and listed on their web sites. We welcome all people into the full life and ministry of this church, celebrating our human family's diversity of age, ethnicity, education, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, faith history, marital status, and physical and mental health.

We hosted our first Family Pride Celebration on Saturday, July 27. It was a great success with games, food, fantastic music, and new connections with our community. Sunday, July 28th, was celebrated as Pride Sunday at our 10am worship service. This is our commitment to celebrate God's extravagant welcome and abundant love for all people. "Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”
​​​​​​The United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming denomination, welcoming and affirming all people regardless of who they love and how they gender identify. The UCC ONA movement now includes over 1800 UCC congregations across the country. We celebrate and follow the example of Jesus who welcomed diverse people and gave the single commandment, that we “love one another.”

We Do
please contact the front office
for more information on setting up
your big day