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Getting Involved

Opportunities to become involved in the life of the church are multiple and diverse. From participation in  group Bible studies, to using your God given talents and time toward enriching our music ministries of choir and bells and provide tech support, hospitality and fellowship, teaching Sunday School, or serve with the mission and social justice teams, you can find your place and purpose at FCCE.  Join us at Sunday worship to find out more, or call the church office for information.

Men's Bible Study

Holding a Book

Our Men’s Study will return this fall for its twenty-first year. All men in the church are cordially invited. This year we will go back to basics and study the Gospel of Luke. We will be using the Life Change Bible Study series book entitled “LUKE: Discover how Jesus responded to people like us.


When: Every Wednesday

Time: 10-11am


For more information, please contact the church office. 


Tuesday Bible Study

We read various Scripture passages that reflect and shape the worship service for the upcoming Sunday. All are welcome to join in on this study group as we analyze, question, and study together readings from both Old and New Testaments. 


When: Every Tuesday

Time: 10-11am


For more information, please contact the church office. 

Women Laughing on Couch

Companions in Christ

Companions in Christ (CIC,) is a small group gathering that welcomes all women who desire to enrich their spiritual life, develop and deepen relationships with others, and walk more closely with God in their faith journey. Topics for study are diverse and include book readings, Bible studies and seasonal reflections.


When: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month

Time: 9:30 am


For more information, please contact the church office. 


Music Ministry

Directed by our Minister of Music, Cynthia Poole


The Chancel Choir

Sing during three services per month, special occasions, and upon request. 

No audition required, just come and be a part of this ministry in music.



When: Every Thursday

Time: 7:30 pm 


Gospbell Choir

The Gospbell Choir, directed by our Minister of Music, Cynthia Poole, is a group of dedicated and talented bell ringers who share their ministry during worship service one Sunday a month. Audition is required. 



When: Every Thursday

Time: 6:00 pm


Instrumental Ensemble

The instrumental ensemble is a fluid diversity of instrumentalists usually comprising piano, flute, violin, and others (i.e., woodwinds, brass, harp, percussion), as needed.


The FCCE Director of Music also utilizes Orff Instruments as a fun way to introduce children to music.


Rose Garden Labyrinth 

The Rose Garden Labyrinth was installed on our church campus in 2020. The labyrinth is  open to our members and the public. The labyrinth represents a journey or path to our own center and back again out into the world. It is a personal tool for meditation and prayer.  The roses have been planted in memoriam and/or honor of loved ones. The maintenance of the rose garden is performed by church members with experience in growing roses.


Roses may be donated by contacting the church office. 

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